Islands in the hands – understand your inner self

There are various signs in the hands which form an important part of a palm reading. It can be a star, a triangle, a square, an island, a color, a wart or other small signs/displays, which are all part of a larger context.

The sign that you feel most strongly is an island, as this is often associated with shadow work and our karma. An island is a line that splits in two – to rejoin further along the line. You can see how it looks on the picture. You can have islands on your 4 major main lines. It can be on the heart line, head line, fate line or life line.

An island in the hands corresponds, among other things, to a conjunction in a horoscope. At the conjunction, two (or more) planets are very close to each other. An old chapter has ended – a new one must begin. At conjunction, a new cycle begins. It is the same with an island. We have a Jupiter Saturn conjunction right now. Saturn is our psychic point of view, but also our foundation, our dwelling, our home. In palmistry, Jupiter is our job, what you do, what you reach for in your everyday life. Jupiter should ensure that Saturn comes into balance. So what you do must make you happy. Jupiter is connected to your active zone. That which you go out to “and do”. Jupiter is by no means comfortable with waiting. Saturn makes us think. Saturn is thorough and calm. Jupiter is not entirely comfortable with that.

Islands in the hands is your cycle

Try to spot your own cycle. Whether you have an island or not. What started/happened 12 years ago, 20 years ago or 34 years ago that you are finishing now? And where you can see that something new is about to begin.

When you have an island, you may find yourself standing and waiting. Waiting for better times. Waiting for better energy. Waiting for something else. You may find that you cannot sail away from the island. You feel trapped in “fate”. And nowhere else. An island can also be seen as a very lonely time. Where you withdraw from others. However, it depends on where the island is located.

Islands and the meaning in the lines

If you have an island on the heart line (the curved line closest to the fingers), that period may be emotionally challenged via one or more relationships (partner/friend/girlfriend, mother etc.). You may find that you have difficulty managing your emotions. You may also experience that you are treated unequally. Equality is a must for every healthy relationship.

An island on the main line is associated with your mind (red line with island). Your mindset. Your thoughts. Your way of doing business. This is where you have the opportunity to change. I often see islands on the long main lines. Too many thoughts create chaos. Because there is room for many thoughts in the line. My best advice for the long main lines is meditation or diverting the mind. Start taking an interest in something. It diverts your main line.

I also see islands on the Life Line. (the curved line around the thumb) Here the energy from the family (left, the family you come from, right the family you yourself create) will be under pressure. Everything is not as it should be. There can be many reasons for this. But your island is connected to family life. The energy of the family that you are a part of.

An island on the line of fate (the line that runs vertically through the hand) is related to everyday life, work life, the content of your waking hours. It is also your wishes and dreams. Your spare time. If you have an island on your destiny line, it can be difficult to be in the present. You may tend to daydream. But the island forces you to learn to be in the present. Saturn is connected with the line of fate. And therefore there are many who have an island corresponding to their age right now on the destiny line. Many are finishing the island right now. It’s lovely – good – and liberating.

Islands in the hands – when there are many

Do not despair if you have one or more islands in your hands. They may disappear if they are not connected to a long-term cycle and something karmic.

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