From Venus to the Lifeline – and on to Mars (your driving force)
The Mount of Venus forms the basis of the energy sent to the Lifeline. The Lifeline is affected by the external energy, i.e. the energy that comes from other people and lands with you. So if your foundation (Mount of Venus) is fragile and full of imbalances, then the life line is affected. Your time from 0 years and up to 3 years and 10 months is important for the Lifeline. This is where the fundamental energy is stored. Several layers are then added. The more peace, security, presence, love & care you had in your first 3-4 years, the better. Both from mum & dad, but also from external carers.
All the signs, images & energies that are on the Mount of Venus are affected in your Lifeline. So if you have an “island”, a broken line, a weak Lifeline, or you have many crossing lines on top of your Lifeline, then something needs to be looked at.
A broken Lifeline could mean that you are reducing or expanding your family. It can be the family that you come from (left hand) or the family that you yourself creates (right hand). You make a change. It can be a physical move, a separation from your primary family, an expansion of the family, or simply that you are moving out from your home. You can be certain that it has something to do with your psychological and physical base. Where you should feel safe. It’s about you making a change that affects your point of view. It affects you.
Venus and the energy of the Lifeline
Venus expresses that which you give, and that which you receive. Venus wants both. But if you are fragile and vulnerable, then the Mount of Venus contracts and remains in the dark. The Mount of Venus asks for self-esteem, self-love, self-healing & self-attention. Therefore, the Mount of Venus must be (self) healed before you go out to others. Therefore, you cannot help others until you have helped yourself. Should you do it anyway, mars (the thumb) will be affected by it. Venus is the balance between giving and receiving. The Mount of Venus is the feminine energy, the more inward-reacting, but also the stubborn energy.
The Lifeline may also be weakened. It looks like it stops and then continues later on. During the period when you have “let go” you will feel weakened. It can be physical (bodily) or psychological. You can do something yourself. It is important that during that period you do everything that gives you love, care, closeness, calmness and self-attention. The body needs focus. Your body reacts to everything that you fill it with. This applies to both diet, exercise, thoughts and energies. This is what your life line is trying to tell you, that there is a “hole in the energy” to others. It makes you vulnerable and fragile. The body asks for exercise. Strengthen your muscles, it strengthens your chakras. Chakra is energy. The energy comes from you.
Learn where Venus is in your horoscope
Cycles are easiest read in the Lifeline. Depending on your age and your cycle, you can look back at a previous period that resembles the one you are in. Never equal, only with the same theme. An “island” in the life line could easily be the result of a repetition. Therefore, it is important to understand why the island is there. An island can be difficult, problematic and challenging until you learn to understand it and do something about it. An “island” in the Lifeline can make you feel inferior. It will remind you of what is of real value in your life. The “island” can create fear, anxiety and depressive energy. Therefore, it is important to understand where the energy comes from.
Care is the code word for working with the Mount of Venus and your life line.
Mars (thumb) and the Mount of Venus and the Lifeline are always related in a reading.
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