Pluto’s energy rages upon us. Most people can easily feel it. You feel it. Pluto’s energy resides in our root chakra. Our root chakra is our foundation. When your root chakra is in balance, you feel confidence, control and the will to live. Otherwise, you experience anxiety, irrational fear and repetitive dark thought patterns.

Pluto’s energy is in your hands. If it is unbalanced, then it is “the fault of the others”. Pluto pulls the victim card and unleashes anger and irritation on others. Like a flow of energy that says “at least it’s not me who has to change”. But whoa – Pluto can do a lot more than that. Pluto is “just” what has been stored for a long time. That which has never really been addressed. The hidden. A deep trauma. Pluto does not accept the victim card. Then your body complains. And of course it’s a shame for you. But no more a sin than that you have a responsibility to do something about it. Otherwise, you will never enter the energy of Pluto and understand and feel the transformation associated with it.

Pluto wants you to transform
Pluto wants you to take responsibility
Pluto wants you to connect

A hand reading can clearly provide answers to what is left in time. It is not always easy to read, because it depends entirely on the individual hand. And it also depends on the image reading, which is intuitive. I often look at the period 0-7 years. A trauma can appear as a dark energy, an island (especially large long islands), a fracture, a wart, a scar, a white area or a line located in the Pluto area, which can reflect ptsd like reactions.

Working with trauma requires tools that lie beyond your awareness

Pluto’s energy is also in your horoscope. The house and sign that Pluto lives in can help you transform. Pluto is a planet of trauma. And therefore you will also experience that you are triggered in the house where it lives. Or triggered with the planets with which it is connected.

If Pluto is unbalanced, you will encounter a frequency that is very low in others. You are triggered. This is where you have to think “ah, I have something that needs to be healed”. Then ask yourself “what can I change so that I don’t have to struggle with all those triggers?” Everything depends on the individual case. But whoever triggers you has NOTHING to do with it. It’s something inside you. If you had a profit and were in balance, you would not react in this way.

If you had a higher frequency in your own energy field, then you would not belittle them for their failure to deal with their own emotions (trauma), but instead be able to separate your energy from them or help them. Providing care for the low-frequency actions of others requires an excess of care. If you can’t do that, you can safely turn your gaze inward and top up your own care account. You will only begin to see here that your actions also had a tinge of unresolved anger and lack of care.

Therefore, what comes to you is also your own.

With development and learning – comes understanding

LEARN from other people instead of taking out your anger (which is emotion that lacks care) onto others. What you say about others is also yours. When you feel violated (hurt feelings and violated boundaries), take ownership of it in your own inner house. It lives in you, and must be healed in you and solved by you.

Pluto has deep roots and is not just easy to fix. Many of your triggers also stem from your generational heritage as well as your relationship with your mother. Did you get genuine love and care from your mother? There may be a deep trauma here, which in the present results in you not being able to give and receive love. That you repel. That you break down and up in your relationships. This is exactly what Pluto stands for.

So back to the planet that i.a. triggers it all. Pluto. Befriend your Pluto. You really have something to learn from it. It sits deep down in your hands. If you have unrest there, then you have imbalances in Pluto and your root chakra. It is an area of the hands that is often overlooked, but is actually the area that needs to be looked at first.

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